Take advantage of the high visibility a Sponsor enjoys and become an active partner of the 2nd ECP
Thank you to all our ECP Sponsors
The European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) is supported by recognized specialists.
Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsors
Partnering Sponsor
Key Note
Silver Sponsors
Conference Supporter
Media Partner
Your benefit as a Sponsor of the European Chemistry Partnering
The benefit you achieve as a sponsor of the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) is manifold and growing. The first European Chemistry Partnering attracted a great deal of attention in Europe and beyond, with advantages like the searchability on the Internet, media coverage and the number of visitors to our website.
High visibility for ECP Sponsors
The high visibility achieved by the ECP is due to a whole bundle of direct benefits and the dissemination of information about the European Chemistry Partnering via many channels, from conventional mailings to e-mailings to social media and personal communication:
The benefits for the Sponsors of the ECP
- Many well-known media reported on both the innovations discussed at the European Chemistry Partnering as well the business interactions.
- 140 participants from 15 nations have given enthusiastic feedback about the productivity of the ECP to their own countries, regions and industries, (see testimonials).
- Well-known sponsors of the first hour helped to create the 1st European Chemistry Partnering with their trust and broad visibility: We would like to thank once again the international sponsors of the first hour:
Hessen Trade & Invest, BASF, Dentons, Drooms, Chemistry Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen and Merck from Darmstadt, Germany. - A large number of conference supporters have made their regions and their networks aware of the ECP and have recommended their companies to participate.
- On behalf of the organizer, we do everything we can to maximize visibility for our sponsors:
- On the ECP Homepage: european-chemistry-partnering.com
- Via Twitter:
- On the ECP-Facebook-Page:
- In the ECP-Journal
- In the Flyers of the European Chemistry Partnering
- In the ECP-Newsletter
- Via reporting on Xing (German) and LinkedIn (English)
- On the Conference Banners produced especially for the European Chemistry Partnering by the organizers
- In der Conference presentation, shown during the breaks at the ECP.
- Holger Bengs and his colleagues are passionate about the European Chemistry Partnering.
- Participation in numerous other conferences, fairs and events are being used to draw attention to the European Chemistry Partnering and thus also greatly increase the visibility of the sponsors through visits to the homepage: ecp2018.com
- Further information via the website chemistry-compass.eu and the homepage of BCNP Consultants www.bcnp.com