Frequently Asked Questions about ECP
The European Chemistry Partnering is all about Business. The main elements are short presentations (Pitches) of 6 or 12 minutes and Partnering meetings. It is about fostering as many meaningful conversations as possible between the innovators of the Chemistry industry. The core of the ECP is business.
Such a Partnering event is completely new to the Industry. The European Chemistry Partnering is simply unique.
Anyone who wants to take innovation further should attend the ECP. Innovative managers, Investors, Managing Directors, C-level management and decision-makers from the Chemical industry and its user industries.
- Pitch SME = 6 minutes
- Pitch (Industry or Investor) = 12 minutes
- Partnering = 20 minutes
It’s not only Classical chemistry that changes production: Industrial Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, New processes, Digitization, New raw materials, the utilization of Residues improve chemicals and processes as well as whole supply chains.
Our world is interdisciplinary and colorful. New business models are emerging. Those responsible from all sectors have to find each other and talk to each other in order to find the solutions of tomorrow.
The European Chemistry Partnering exists to help achieve this goal.
The organizer works with the service provider Xing. Registration, payment processing and invoicing, as well as ticket issuing (or cancellation, if necessary), are handled by Xing.
There is no other way to process a ticket purchase.
Technological transfer, funding and assembly of research consortia are not explicit topics of the European Chemistry Partnering. Those who attend the ECP to Pitch or Partner generally have the market, innovations, investments and sales in view.
The focus of the ECP is on innovators, their direct representatives and investors. Service providers and representatives of all other organizations with an indirect interest can take advantages of the high industrial density of attendance at the European Chemistry Partnering at adjusted prices.
Chemistry Start-ups still within two years of their foundation pay a Sponsorship-supported preferential price.
A company making a Pitch receives an added value: Presence on-site at the event and visibility in the Conference Booklet. The fee charged covers part of these costs.
The EU defines an SME as follows:
SME definition according to the European Commission: SME has < 250 employees and either a turnover < 50 m EUR or a balance sheet total < 43 m EUR.
The Conference Booklet is the handout of the day. It contains a one-page portrait created and supplied by every presenting company. There is a template for this.
In addition, the Conference Booklet contains all essential information for the conference.
You can transfer your admission ticket directly to a colleague from your company without further costs to you. Please inform us by sending an e-mail to Kirchhoff@european-chemistry-partnering.com
In addition, you can cancel up until 22 November 2017 via the booking system. Cancellation Fee: 50 percent of the price of the ticket.
- 30 September 2017: Initial distribution of times for Pitches
- 23 October 2017: Start of the Partnering program
- 30 October 2017: Expiration of the Early-Bird-Tariff
- 22 November 2017: Deadline for cancellation
- 31 December 2017: Guaranteed participation with Pitch following application
- 22 February 2018: Welcome Reception during evening in Frankfurt am Main
- 23 February 2018: 2nd European Chemistry Partnering
- 24 February 2018: Common Breakfast for all Networkers still in Frankfurt
On 30 September 2017 the pitches received and accepted to date will be allocated the first time. The allocation is the sole responsibility of the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to introduce thematic clustering and parallel pitch sessions in case of high demand.
The times for the pre-arranged meetings in Partnering are assigned via the system software.
You have the option to block periods in which you do not want to accept appointments.
However, this may limit the possibility of you contacting a particular person. If the partner you have requested agrees, the appointment will be assigned. The software then looks for an appointment time when you and your desired partner are free. A place is assigned to the appointment at the same time. All tables are numbered.
This refers to the Blue Bistro Table.
All speakers are invited to go to this Blue Bistro Table directly after their Pitch. In this way, unknown interested parties can contact you. Speakers can talk directly and exchange business cards, but also agree on later meetings.
The Blue Bistro Table was a rather successful and productive element of 1st European Chemistry Partnering.
Attention! Please be careful not to clash with your pre-arranged Partnering meetings. You should keep your time at the Speakers’ Corner in mind. As a Speaker you should be sure to block time after your Pitch for the Blue Table. Do not release the first twenty minutes after your Pitch for Partnering.