Chemistry makes the World go Around
Who should participate?
”Chemistry makes the World go Around“ these were the opening remarks spoken by Dr. Holger Bengs, the initiator of the unique European Chemistry Partnering, at the 1st ECP on 16th February 2017.
Every stakeholder interested in the interdisciplinarity around chemistry and the reorganization of our world is invited.
This is your event:
If you come from one of the following professions or work in a similar field, then the European Chemistry Partnering was created just for you. You will discover productive new business contacts in large measure and generate potential for future business:
- Innovation Manager
- Business Developer
- Entrepreneur/Founder
- Managing Director from C-Level
- Researcher or Developer
- Provider of Capital
- Venture Capitalist or Business Angel
- Industry-qualified Service Provider
The power of interdisciplinarity around Chemistry
According to Professor James Clark from the University of York 97 % of the products around us contain at least one chemical production step.
The value chains in the Chemical industry and its user industries are changing.
They are influenced at every step from raw materials and products via logistics and processing up to the distribution channels. Everything flows.
We talk about new raw materials, new products, new technologies, new processes, new supply chains, new markets and new business models.
This is what’s different at the European Chemistry Partnering:
The European Chemistry Partnering is different to other events.
We are at the center of a huge reorganization ourselves, our environment and our way of thinking as well as how we go about finding solutions. Sustainability is one of the big buzzwords these days:
Population growth, climate change and security of supply are three of the major issues of our age.
Therefore your main benefit is: The 2nd European Chemistry Partnering is a rendezvous; a rendezvous of technologies and innovations and of course, in addition to being a rendezvous it’s about the people behind the technologies and innovations.
ECP: A Rendezvous of Interdisciplinarity and Intelligence
The ECP is a rendezvous of chemistry, green chemistry, biotechnology, industrial biotechnology, nanotechnology, engineering, digitization, analytics, apparatuses, devices:
Here you will find new products from good old chemistry as well as new products based on green and clean methods. Chemistry defined by the Periodic table and Chemistry defined by interdisciplinary technologies like biotechnology as well as enzyme technologies.
The ECP It is a rendezvous for all creative decision-makers, stakeholders, industry representatives, founders, entrepreneurs and investors.
The aim is to bring together entrepreneurs, creative minds, visionaries, movers, decision-makers and financiers to engender dialogue and an ever-improving exchange with one another – across regional clusters and national boundaries.
All those intelligent, open-minded and commercially active people whose aim it is to make and create a better world for every one of us. They all come from very different organizations and companies, from large, medium-sized and small, recently founded companies.
For whom was the ECP not created?
The European Chemistry Partnering is not suitable for the following people:
- Those who do not believe in the power of interdisciplinarity.
- Those who believe that they alone with their knowledge can achieve innovation.
- Those think that Chemistry or another science can solve every problem technologically, without knowledge from related disciplines
- Those who think that good technology products sell themselves.
- Those who talk of innovation, but only mean inventions.
17 unbeatable reasons for your business success
1. Networks at the highest level
The European chemistry partnering is the start for your network in other fields or the expansion at the highest level.
2. Highest Start-up density in one day
At the European Chemistry Partnering, you will find the highest density of innovative chemical Start-ups and SMEs in Europe.
3. Top start in 2018
Start your year with good business opportunities with new business friends from chemistry and neighboring disciplines.
4. For free: partnering included
All participants can use the partnering system free of charge. Release date is 23 October 2017
5. Top Keynote
Listen to the founder’s story and the unique technology of a renowned person from industry.
6. Decision makers are present
Meet many innovation managers and decision-makers from the chemical industry and its user industries.
7. Chemical industry is present
Take the opportunity to engage in business discussions with many companies in just One Day.
8. Each person is an active person
Be a part of the creative cloud of this day – everywhere you will find movers, people who give impulses, door-openers and people with the same interests.
9. Informal network the day before
Be part of the informal gathering during on the early evening of 22 February 2018, the evening before the Pitch and Partnering day.
10 .Breakfast
Be part of the informal breakfast in the morning of 24 February 2018. For those who are still in the Banking and Industry city Frankfurt am Main.
11. Enjoy Internationality
Be a part of an international participating group of top-class people from Europe, USA and Japan
12. Meet innovations
Follow at the pitches from innovative Start-ups, SME and Big Players.
13. Meet supporting experts
Meet selected experts in the fields of law, patents, personnel consulting and data security to support your growth.
14. High business density
4 out of 5 participants are from the industry or are investors.
15. Frankfurt is easy to reach
You can reach Frankfurt very easily – there and back in just one day- within two flying hours from most European destinations.
16. The venue is central
The conference site is in the heart of Frankfurt – easy to access, in walking distance from the main station of Frankfurt am Main.
17. Business in Greater Frankfurt Area
For those who already have business associates in the Frankfurt region – why not meet them at the ECP or on the days before or after the ECP.
3 Special gifts for all participants at the ECP
As a gift and bonus for participating in the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering, each participant will receive:
1. Discount for 2019
As a participant at the 2nd ECP you will be entitled to a 30% Discount on the ticket price of your category for the 3rd European Chemistry Partnering 2019 in Frankfurt.
2. 50% discount for profile in Compass
All participating companies receive a 50% discount, worth 625 euros plus VAT, on the price of a 2-page company profile in the 4th Compass to Europe’s Innovative Chemical Companies – worth 1.250 euros (plus VAT), release date, November, 2018.
3. Voucher for internet presence
All participating companies receive a voucher for the free publication of a company profile (duration: 2 years) including one’s own text design & logo presentation – at www.chemistry-compass.eu, the European overview about innovative chemical companies – worth 78 euros.