Arrange your most important appointments in advance
Partnering brings you into direct contact with new customers and potential partners
Each Partnering meeting lasts 20 minutes.
The Partnering system will be released on 23 October 2017, e.g. 4 months ahead of the event. Partnering for the chemical industry, its user industries and those from many other sectors, such as enzyme manufacturers and specialists in digitalization, who are changing, reorganizing and renewing the value chains of the chemical industry find new customers and partners in this way.
You will automatically receive your Partnering access along with your registration at the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering. The Partnering will be released for you from 23 October 2017. Your basic data will be uploaded automatically. We will inform you. If you are not registered yet, please do so now because by registering you increase your visibility in the Who-is-Who of the European Chemistry Partnering.
Start organizing meetings on ECP Partnering Platform: https://2nd-ecp.meeting-mojo.com/
Chemistry makes the world go around
Partnering procedure at the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering
On 23 October 2017 the Partnering will be released for you. You can then enter into direct communication with all those already registered. We recommend that you first arrange follow-up meetings with people you already know – and thus bring your contacts from the 1st ECP up to date.
But please contact others too: Networking is part of the European Chemistry Partnering. It is common practice to utilize the Partnering tool to present yourself, to explain your offer, and to request a meeting – even if you do not know the people yet.
How you can benefit from participating in Partnering
Taking an active part in the Partnering is your key to success: You will get to know potential new customers, partners and investors. As a result of your Pitch you will make new business acquaintances. However, make sure you also initiate valuable meetings with new contacts beforehand.
Your benefits are:
- You can plan your time at ECP effectively and efficiently.
- You can select the most important contacts for you and meet them there on the spot.
- You become better known by the key “Multipliers”.
- Your Appointment confirmation will give you a fixed date, place and time to meet with so-far unknown persons or with already known persons.
- By searching through the list of participants you can prepare in advance and find contacts that are not even yet on your Radar.
- The presentations of others in the partnering system will enable you to learn more about their companies.
- You learn how other people represent themselves and can thus improve your own marketing.
- Your current profile photo will enable others to recognize you on the day of the European Chemistry Partnering, who can then contact you with questions.
- Through the logo of your company you will increase brand recognition during the Pitches and at the Exhibition.
Are you not yet convinced that you will make plenty of contacts from the industry? Then please read the testimonials:
Our proposals for your Partnering participation:
Partnering requires good preparation. Therefore please make use of the possibilities offered and prepare well to make the day as productive as possible. Follow the tips below which we have prepared for you for the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) here.
Please note our full money-back guarantee. The initiator of ECP, Dr. Holger Bengs, backs this up with his word of honor that you will find dialog partners and that your participation will be fruitful and lead to success.
Recommendations for your Partnering Profile and your Marketing activities:
- Upload a current profile image (not older than one year)
- Upload the logo of your company.
- Select meaningful captions.
- Describe clearly and transparently what you can offer and what you are looking for.
- Write short sentences in your presentation.
- Explain technical terms and abbreviations.
- Use consequential numbering (1., 2., 3., …) or indents for the outline.
- For enumeration, use keywords (telegram style)
- Enter your mobile number if it might be necessary for your intended contact person to reach you on the day of the event.
- In case of cancellation due to time constraints, please make a phone appointment for after the event.
- Please do not hesitate to contact persons even if they are not yet known to you: This is quite normal. The Partnering system is used for this purpose. And:
- Please don’t be too disappointed in case you receive a negative response or cancellation of an appointment.
- a) It is in the nature of things that not everyone can be interested in every product or service.
- b) Sometimes it’s just a time issue, because the person has already many appointments or has blocked times during the Partnering, because interesting Pitches are running.
- c) Perhaps the person you asked has not yet understand your product/service correctly. This gives you an opportunity to address these points during your pitch and focus on these or other people in the audience.
Directly after the Pitch, the Speaker goes to the Blue Bistro Table, the so-called Speakers’ Corner. There you will be found immediately as a Speaker. Thus, you should block-out this time after your presentation and not accept other Partnering appointments directly following your presentation.