The Initiator of Europe’s leading Chemistry Partnering Conference
“Chemistry Makes the World go Around!”
Dear Friends of Chemistry Innovation,
I would like to give you my personal guarantee.
I am so convinced about the quality of the European Chemistry Partnering, which already attracted 140 participants from 15 nations and saw more than 200 partnering meetings in the first year and in addition to very positive testimonials from our participants, that I offer you the best money-back guarantee of my life.
You take no risk! I promise you a full money back guarantee.
Come to the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering on 23 February 2018 in Frankfurt.
Visit the Pitches and meet representatives of the chemical industry and its user industries, companies of all sizes: industry giants, medium-sized companies and start-up companies and negotiate with investors.
Book yourself into the partnering system, and reserve appointments with interesting decision makers even before the 23 February 2018. The socialable evening, the breaks and the get-together at the end of the event are excellent opportunities for informal exchange with other chemical industry representatives and a chance to make business friends.
If, after the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering, you feel that the attendance did not live up to your expectations, even though you tried your best, then please come to me personally for your money back guarantee: I will then only ask you to confirm that you really spent the whole day participating, including the Get Together and that you followed our advice and recommendations for partnering, i.e. uploading a photo of yourself, individually setting your information and actively requesting participants.
If you have done this, I will not ask further questions and will reimburse your money immediately.
For this guarantee I stand with my name
Turn your innovation into a Chemistry masterpiece and make the earth a better place.
Dr. Holger Bengs
The Initiator of Europe’s leading Chemistry Partnering Conference