
Key Note


2nd European Chemistry Partnering

February 23rd 2018, Frankfurt, Germany

Your fastest way to increase revenue

New Chemical industry customers and partners in one productive day

New customers. New partners. More turn-over. A productive day: 140 decision makers attended the 1st European Chemistry Partnering. The enthusiastic participants came from large organizations as well as investors, from small and medium-sized enterprises, and above all from young companies and chemical start-ups who often find it difficult to engage with the larger companies.

140 participants representing 15 nations from Europe, Japan, Canada and the USA came together. Professional short presentations, pre-arranged meetings and the informal pre-event evening gathering created numerous opportunities for contacts. More than 200 meetings were arranged. Chemistry, industrial biotechnology, digitization, nanotechnology – many ways to broaden horizons!

The European Chemistry Partnering is international and interdisciplinary.

“Must-Attend-Event”: Chemistry Partnering with a high percentage of representation from industry

The European Chemistry Partnering has already become a ”Must-Attend-Event“. Max Fuhr, from the Chemical Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen called it the “Most productive day of the year.”

The more than 90 organizations that attended the 2017 event ensured a high percentage of representation from industry. 30 large Chemistry companies, 10 Corporate Ventures and other Investors as well as around 40 small and medium-sized Chemistry firms and Chemistry Start-ups as well as Clusters and Industry Parks were present.

“Innovation engine chemistry” – Big Players. SMEs. Start-ups.

The chemical industry is a cornerstone of our prosperity. It’s no coincidence that chemistry is referred to as an “Innovation engine”. Impulses for innovation come from the established chemical industry of medium-sized and large market participants, from many user industries, from customers and – increasingly – from newly founded Start-ups.

BASF, Bayer, Beiersdorf, Brenntag, Celanese, Clariant, Covestro, DSM, Evonik, Freudenberg, Henkel, Hereaus, Kuraray, Lubrizol Merck, Merz, Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Roche Diagnostics, Sanofi, Sibelco, Stahl, Tolsa and Wacker, among others were in attendance representing the larger Chemistry companies and the user industries.

“Great opportunity for a small start-up company to meet the big chemical players and start a nice working collaboration.”

Dr. Gustavo Santiso-Quinones, Crystallise! AG, CTO, Schlieren Switzerland

Still skeptical? Are you asking yourself: Can that really be true?

European Chemistry Partnering: Money-back Guarantee

We understand your skepticism. How come the European Chemistry Partnering, of all things, was such a success story from the outset? Our money-back guarantee should be all the proof you need.
For many, many years, Holger Bengs, who conceived the idea of the European Chemistry Partnering, has observed communications between the influential doers and the creative brains of the chemical industry. There are plenty of innovations out there, but they do not always find their way around the barriers put in their way:
The path through regional, cultural, systemic, and interdisciplinary boundaries needs to be steadily improved. One such improvement is the European Chemistry Partnering that will take place for the second time in Frankfurt on 23rd February 2018. More than 500 participants are expected, with a high percentage from the Chemistry industry and its user industries.

Networks. And interdisciplinary partners.

Holger Bengs brings his numerous Networking contacts into play and uses them to create fruitful co-operation at the European Chemistry Partnering. It is a matter close to his heart to connect the creative, innovative and enterprising people from Chemistry and its surrounding industries. The value chains in the Chemistry industry are changing as a result of many innovations, including renewable raw materials, industrial biotechnology, nanotechnology, digitization (Industrie 4.0) and more.

And this is where Chemistry Start-ups are setting trends! A vitalized Chemistry Start-up scene is going from strength to strength. It is gaining more and more momentum, from the cohesion of traditional chemistry to new, impulse-giving green chemistry – across all disciplines and in all areas of our lives: chemistry, nutrition, mobility, energy, living, leisure, construction, textiles, consumer care and health.

Chemistry makes the World go around

“Chemistry makes the World go around“ is the motto under which Holger Bengs and his network have committed themselves to the platform of the European Chemistry Partnering for the mutual benefit of all attendees. From his time as head of laboratory and project leader in the Research Departments at Hoechst and Aventis, as Managing Director at the German GoingPublic and VentureCapital magazines and his later entrepreneurial activities, he has developed a vast spectrum of contacts in the industry and in the capital market.

His industry knowledge and his Network of contacts ensure the successful forging of new business associates at the European Chemistry Partnering.

Read his Money-back guarantee here.

Reasons for attending the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering

Over 85% of the participants said the 1st European Chemistry Partnering was a very good and very professional event. Particularly convincing was the very high percentage of industry attendees with participants from over 90 large companies and investors, medium-sized and small chemical companies as well as chemical start-ups.

For the 2nd European Chemistry Partnering, we are expecting well over 500 participants with a comparable industrial quota. In addition, participation by consultancy professions will be approved for the 2018 European Chemistry Partnering on a pro rata basis. The focus remains however, on the Chemistry industry developers/shapers: They can expect to create direct connections to business contacts with potential new customers, new investors, new cooperation partners and new participants for their networks.

Based on the above we would like to make the following recommendations for your successful and productive participation at the 2nd ECP on 23rd February 2018:

1. Please sign-up as soon as possible to ensure your own high visibility.

As soon as you register we as organizers will include you in our marketing activities. By promoting your organization’s name as a small to medium-sized company you raise your awareness and recognition. As a large company with a recognized brand, you will become visible to young innovators, whose services could match directly to your business.

2. Make full use of the potential of the ECP by bringing colleagues along with you.

Due to the high demand for Pitches and Partnering opportunities, all elements of the European Chemistry Partnering take place in parallel. The ECP is a compact one-day event. Only by participating with a group of colleagues can you take advantage of the full potential of the European Chemistry Partnering. With a Team you will achieve any number of Business contacts throughout the day – guaranteed!

3. Book a short presentation for your company and ensure you get the full visibility of all participants.

With such a Pitch you will be able to describe all aspects of your product/service and incidentally also reach potential new customers so far unknown to you and visa versa.We would like to draw your attention to the comments of Olav Birlem, CEO of nanowired. Nanowired develops technology for electronics based on nanotechnology. The company has made very good contacts in the chemical industry.”The ECP really speeded up our company development. The event had a positive impact for our professionalism and the industrialization of our process”
Olav Birlem, CEO nanowired, Darmstadt, Germany

4. Get active and start your Partnering profile as soon as possible.

Register your profile in the Partnering section as soon as possible and reach-out to prospective customers. Partnering activity starts on 23 October 2017, four months before the 2nd ECP.We provide any number of Partnering opportunities. Nevertheless: “The early bird catches the worm.” The most interesting interlocutors and decision-makers get booked-up quickly, so don’t miss-out on being one of the first. Due to the very high response, we anticipate well over 700 Partnering meetings, all of which are agreed in advance. Each Partnering meeting lasts 20 minutes.Again, our recommendation is: Do not come alone! Partnering is included in the participation fee.

5. Bring a Roll-up along to the Exhibition.

The one-day European Chemistry Partnering offers many points of contact: The exhibition is one important aspect. Here is an opportunity to make yourself better known. Come along with a colleague. Companies who only have a few employees are advised, if necessary, to hire an exhibition Host/Hostess for the day in order to maximize their investment and make further network contacts among more than 500 valuable participants. A Roll-up with a table and two chairs costs only € 250 for SMEs, (only € 650 for large companies).

International participation

Czech Republic
The Netherlands


  • 1st ECP - Phil Smith from the UK-based Interface PolymersPhil Smith
    “A great way to meet sector speak investors.” Phil Smith, Interface Polymers Ltd, CEO, Loughborough, United Kingdom

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